Identifying Engine Codes
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It's not uncommon to discover that the engine in your Bus was replaced along the way and is not the "correct" one for your year. Knowing this can save you the inconvenience of ording the wrong part! Below are some of the most common engine codes found on Busses and Vanagons in the U.S., in roughly chronological order. On the Type 4 ('72-83) engine, the code can be found stamped just in front of the breather tower. Do not go by the code on the fan shroud, as it may not be original to that engine. For a full list of engine codes on VW cars, click here.
Type 1 Engines (found on Bus thru 1971)
D | Thru 8/65, 1200cc (34 hp), |
O | 1964, 1500cc (44 hp) |
H | 1965, 1500cc (44 hp) |
HO, TO | 1966-67, 1500cc (44 hp) |
B5 | 1968, 1600cc single port, single relief |
B | 1969, 1600cc single port |
B6 | 1970, 1600cc single port, dual relief, for Type 1 vehicles |
AE | 1971-72, 1600cc dual port, 8/70-7/71 |
AH | 1973-1974, 1600cc dual port, for Type 1 vehicles |
AJ, AS | 1975-79 1600cc dual port, for Type 1 vehicles |
F1, F2 | 1300-1600cc replacement engine case |
AK | 1967-74 1500-1600 replacement engine case |
AB, AD, AM | 1600cc replacement engine case |
Type 4 Engines (found on 1972-1983 Bus & Vanagon)
CB | 1972-73 Bus, 1.7 liter, Dual carb, manual trans |
CD | 1973 Bus 1.7 liter, Dual carb, auto trans |
EB | 1973 VW 412, 1973 Porsche 914, Calif emissions, L-Jetronic |
EA | 1972-74 VW 411 / 412, 1972-73 Porsche 914, 1.7 liter, D-Jetronic |
EC | 1974 VW 412, 1974 Porsche 914, 1.8 liter, Calif emiss, L-Jetronic |
ED | 1975 Bus, 1.8 liter, L-Jetronic fuel injected |
AW | 1973-75 Bus, 1.8 liter |
GA | 1973-74 Porsche 914 , 2.0 liter, D-Jetronic |
GC | 1975-76 Porsche 914 , 2.0 liter, D-Jetronic |
GD | 1976-77 Bus, 2.0 liter, L-Jetronic, Solid Lifter |
GE | 1978-79 Bus, 2.0 liter, L-Jetronic, Hydraulic Lifter (1978: oval exhaust ports / 1979: square ports.) |
CV | 1980-83 Vanagon, 2.0 liter, L-Jetronic, Hydraulic Lifter |
Watercooled Engines (Vanagon)
CS | 1982-84 Vanagon, 1.6 liter, Diesel |
DG, DH | 1983-85 Vanagon, 1.9 liter watercooled gas, fuel injected |
MV | 1986-91 Vanagon, 2.1 liter watercooled gas, fuel injected |